Dorset Theatre Promoters Consortium
Activate Performing Arts

The aim of the Dorset Theatre Promoters Consortium (DTPC) is to connect programmers across Dorset as well as share new ideas and good practice.
Facilitated by Activate, DTPC feeds into networks across Dorset and the South West and supports our performing arts community and promotes professional development. It brings people together and offers valuable peer to peer networking and an opportunity to reflect on programming. Activate also produces and supports the production of new high-quality innovative work, especially by artists based in the county and sub region, working with DTPC.
DTPC has a strong history of working with theatres across Dorset and making things happen.
Nineteen years ago, with Dorset Theatre Promoters Consortium, Activate Performing Arts conceived Inside Out Dorset and seventeen years ago we launched the first edition of the international festival. Inside Out Dorset is a festival of outdoor art celebrating extraordinary
events in extraordinary locations.
We are delighted that DTPC’s membership has expanded and is still growing.