Activate is committed to ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected and kept safe from harm whilst they are engaged in any activity associated to Activate.
We will endeavour to achieve this by:
- Ensuring that our staff and volunteers are carefully selected, trained and supervised.
- Ensuring that any organisation/group working with children who work in partnership with or supported by Activate, has a robust safeguarding policy.
- Providing clear procedures for parents and children to voice their concerns or lodge complaints if they feel unsure or unhappy about any issue.
- Activate’s Safeguarding Policy is provided as part of an induction package to all those employed, whether paid or unpaid, who will have direct contact with children.
The aims of our safeguarding policy are:
- To create a healthy and safe environment at all activities.
- To ensure children are listened to and kept safe from harm.
- To support and encourage parents to voice their opinions regarding the welfare of their children.
- To ensure staff and volunteers who administer sessions are well informed, supported and enabled to provide the best possible practice.
The objectives of our safeguarding policy are:
- To raise the level of awareness of staff and volunteers about child abuse and its various forms.
- To raise the level of awareness of staff and volunteers about what children are entitled to be protected from.
- To ensure that all staff can recognise signs which could signify the abuse of a child.
- To promote the general welfare, health, and full development of children during all sessions.
- To develop effective procedures in recording and responding to accidents and complaints and to alleged or suspected incidents of abuse.