On Sunday 19 March our youth performance groups, Dorset Youth Dance (DYD) and The Remix, joined forces to perform at this year’s Origins Youth Platform. The event, that takes place at Pavilion Dance South West every year, showcases the best in local youth dance talent.
We were delighted to join other groups from across the region and showcase the talent of Dorset Youth Dance and The Remix on a professional stage. There was a supportive atmosphere throughout the day and lots of cheering and clapping when other groups were performing.
As well as an evening performance in front of a paying audience, the day consisted of several workshops led by professionals giving the young people an opportunity to learn new skills and build their confidence. Participants heard from freelance dance artist Hannah Miles about her career path so far, from Matthew Rawcliffe about his work ‘The Crisp Sandwich Café’, and took part in a dance challenge on the beach!
“The opportunities DYD offers develops style, knowledge, creativity, confidence and opens up opportunities.”
Member of Dorset Youth Dance
Jude Allen, Project Manager for The Remix said, “It’s really important for The Remix and The Originals to take part in these regional platforms as it not only showcases local talent but also ensures that the group feel part of the bigger picture.”
We love being able to offer our young people the chance to perform alongside other groups, learn from professionals and develop new skills. We had a fantastic time at Origins and can’t wait to perform again next year!

Photos of The Remix performing at Origins, by Andy Beeson, Red Manhattan Photography.