This course has now finished. Find out more about the participants’ experiences over in our News section.
Are you 16 – 25 years old?
Do you live in Dorset (including Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole) & have an enthusiasm for Arts & Culture?
Want to learn how to turn your creative idea into an event?
I Scream Van by FUSE performance b-side Festival 2010 Photo Pete Millson
Activate Performing Arts and b-side have teamed up to bring you a short online course exploring what’s involved in event planning. Through a series of 7 online workshops in August, we will train and support (up to) 15 young people from Dorset to:
- Develop your own creative ideas
- Expand your knowledge & confidence in creating their own ideas and events
- Grow connections with likeminded people
- Explore ways of doing events differently (we will look at how COVID-19 has changed current events, and how it might change events in the future)
You’ll learn:
· What makes a great event
· How to develop your artistic idea
· Ways to identify your target audience
· How to assess the risks involved
· The importance of building good relationships
· Tips for marketing your event
· How to create an effective budget
· What environmental factors you need to consider
· Ways to evaluate success
Join us online to learn new skills and discover what events might look like after the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Delivered via Zoom across the month of August, the course will be led by expert speakers from Activate and b-side and will be a combination of watching, listening, discussing and doing.
Workshop sessions are currently scheduled for:
Monday 3rd August, 2pm – 4pm
Tuesday 4th August, 2pm – 4pm
Monday 10th August, 2pm – 4pm
Tuesday 11th August, time TBC (b-side assembly event and post event discussion)
Monday 17th August, 2pm – 4pm
Tuesday 18th August, 2pm – 4pm
Monday 24th August, 2pm – 4pm
If selected, please note that you are expected to attend all sessions.
We want this course to be as accessible as possible. The sessions will be auto-transcribed, please get in touch if there’s anything we can put in place to help you to access the course. The first session will start with introductions and guidelines to help us all get the most out of the experience.
This course has been made for 16 – 25 year olds living in Dorset.
Applicants aren’t expected to already have a creative idea in order to take part in the course. However, having a vague idea of what type of event(s) you might want to help shape or lead in the future would be useful.
Please fill in our online form here: https://forms.gle/4uiTo6cNoRiChQ5Q7
We’re also happy to receive applications in audio or video formats, if that works better for you.
Please complete the online application form giving the following info:
- Your contact details
- Why you’re interested in the course
- A summary of an event or idea that has inspired you
- Further information about how you might be able to access the course
Deadline for applications: Monday 13th July, 8am.
We will select the participants for the course by: Monday 20th July, 5pm.
Have any questions about the programme? Contact Sammy at: samantha@activateperformingarts.org.uk
Supported by public funding from Arts Council England.
Closing date:
Monday 13th July 2020
How to apply:
Please fill in our online form here: https://forms.gle/4uiTo6cNoRiChQ5Q7
We’re also happy to receive applications in audio or video formats, if that works better for you.
Please complete the online application form giving the following info:
- Your contact details
- Why you’re interested in the course
- A summary of an event or idea that has inspired you
- Further information about how you might be able to access the course
Deadline for applications: Monday 13th July, 8am.
Supported by public funding from Arts Council England.
Contact email: