During these challenging times we’re keeping The Remix connected with a creative care package.
While we can’t meet in person we want to ensure The Remix group members stay connected and creative. We have been hosting a range of workshops via The Remix Facebook page and have sent everyone a link to learn how to sign along to a song from The Greatest Showman. The Remixers are certainly keeping busy and active!
In order to reach those families who prefer not to engage online we also sent everyone a creative care pack through the post – with a biscuit that said ‘thinking of you’ added in for good measure. The package was full of resources and contained creative ideas and games for the young people to play on their own, with family or with socially distanced friends in their gardens.
We hope the games keep The Remixers happy and busy. They have sent us their videos of learning to sign along to The Greatest Showman song and this has been edited and put together. You can view the film on Vimeo.
A big thank you to Izzy Archibald who made the amazing biscuits for our care packages.