Activate are always thrilled when a young person, who has been given opportunity through an Activate funded project, goes on to achieve fantastic success in adulthood.
In this case, Rachel Fullegar one of the founder members of acclaimed, female-focussed dance company, Gracefool Collective, was once a member of Portrait whilst she was at school in Dorset, Portrait was the name of Activate’s youth dance company at that time, before it was rebranded in 2016 as DYD – Dorset Youth Dance.
Rachel was a very talented dancer and went on to study dance at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance in Leeds. She formed Gracefool Collective with some fellow graduates upon completion of their degrees and they have recently secured Arts Council England funding to develop and tour their new piece ‘This Really Is Too Much‘ and also a double bill, Convicts and Lunatics, exploring some of the same themes is currently touring with Red Ladder Theatre.
They describe themselves thus:
We make post-intellectual-pseudo-spiritual- feminist-comedy-
dance for the modern day era.
We make it collaboratively. We perform it collaboratively. And we write, design, devise, direct, manage, market, fundraise, budget, tweet, tour book, teach, schmooze, promote and play collaboratively. With a little help from friends.
Activate invite you to share the informal sharing Gracefool will give after they have completed their R&D week at Weymouth College.
Contact michaela@activateperformingarts.org.uk for a FREE ticket. Arrive 3.45pm at Weymouth College on Friday 3rd February – you must book a free place by email in order to gain admittance.