A broad and diverse range of groups and individuals take part in our extensive year-round learning and participation programme, which runs alongside the core Inside Out Dorset events.
Some of this work – known as The Associate Programme – happened during the festival and included opportunities for audiences to take an active role in the festival programme; we welcomed community performers into Wayfaring and The Soaring Sky where they were integral to the live performances. Quiter events like touch-tours and guided walks were also offered to groups we have been working with.
Other activities – whilst still extremely valuable – were less visible. We took emerging technologies (involving digital live-stream broadcasting) into Dorset County Hospital to create a live festival experience; the project offered decision making opportunities and allowed artists to interact with individuals confined in hospital. The learning around this project and its enormous potential will be shared with sector professionals and will continue to be developed by Activate.
Activate is also committed to creating professional development opportunities for local and regional artists and many of the commissioned artists for the Hengistbury Headlines event have benefited from enhanced development opportunities arranged by Activate.
For a selection of the opportunities offered see our ‘taking part’ page: http://www.insideoutdorset.co.uk/taking-part/